Snow Scott Gritting and Snow Clearing for the Aberdeen Area

Snow Scott Gritting and Snow Clearing for the Aberdeen Area


Snow Scott Gritting & Snow Clearing Contractors for the Aberdeen Area

How we price our work

We like to quote our gritting work on an area based system. We find this the fairest and simplest way to competitively cost our jobs. Using an app we can measure any area that is required. We can exclude any grass margins or areas that do not require gritting. We then give an average estimate of how much salt will be required. We try to charge for de-icing salt separately due to the varying application rates required in different weather conditions. For example, if the weather has been frosty overnight and its slippy underfoot then a lower application rate of de-icing salt will be required whereas if the weather has been snowing and very cold then a heavier application will be required due to the challenging conditions.

We then quote for snow clearing. This is generally an hourly rate for a machine and rubber blade snow plough. The reason for this being an hourly rate is because a large snow fall can take longer to clear than a light snow fall. Also, if required we can quote for our team of people who work hard to keep all pathways and step areas clear, ice free and most importantly SAFE.

No standing charge! We do not charge a standing charge for when the weather is mild and our services are not required. You only pay for the services that are essential to keeping your workplace safe and operational when you need them.